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Full Service Diet Program



Our full service diet program offers daily personal support and guidance and a 20-40lb weight loss guarantee. Guarantee is only valid if program is followed 100%, which includes client checking all ingredients of foods and seasonings.

Your personal health coach will be there to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding diet and lifestyle choices, from looking over restaurant menus, meal planning for trips or holidays, decoding cravings and breaking through plateaus.

Also included in package:

phase 1 and 2 diet plan 

1x weight loss drops

1x crush life drops

1x adrenal support drops

food journal

recipe book

himalayan pink salt

61 days of daily one on one life coaching

20- 40lb weight loss guarantee **

** Guarantee is only valid if program is followed 100%, which includes client checking in daily with health coach,  checking all ingredients of foods/seasonings used and drinking designated amount of water.